The Benefits of Running for Overall Health and Wellness

As experienced runners, we all know the joys and benefits of hitting the pavement or the trails. But it’s always good to remind ourselves of the impact that running has on our overall health and wellness.

Physical Benefits: First and foremost, running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It can improve our cardiovascular health, and strengthen our bones and muscles. It’s also a great way to maintain a healthy body weight and burn calories, which is essential for weight loss or weight maintenance. As experienced runners, we also know that running can help us push our limits and set new personal records, whether it’s a faster time or a longer distance.

Mental Benefits: But the benefits of running go beyond just the physical. Running can also have a positive impact on our mental health. Regular exercise, including running, has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The release of endorphins during a run can improve our mood and boost our self-esteem. Plus, the time spent outside in nature can be incredibly therapeutic and help us disconnect from the daily stressors of life.

Overall, as experienced runners, we know that running is not just a hobby but also a lifestyle that can have a positive impact on our overall health and wellness. So, let’s keep hitting those trails, and keep reaping the benefits that running has to offer.

What type of Runner am I? How to find analyze the Runner’s gait.

You probably either asked the question, or someone has asked you this before. What is the best shoe for running? From what seems to be a  simple answer is pretty complicated.

First and foremost, there is no such thing as the perfect shoe. There is not one magical shoe that will do everything including run for you. If there is I would own a pair, I’m still waiting for the running shoes with the built in Rockets on the side.

Joking aside, I will try to keep this as simple as possible. Before we can even pick a shoe, we need to find out what type of runner you are. The majority are in 1 of the 3 groups. Supination, Neutral, or Overpronator. All has to do the way your foot reacts while it is on the ground. The Runner you want to be is a Neutral Runner, there are ways to correct Supination, and Overpronation to make you Running gait Neutral. How do you know which category you’re in? Let’s discuss.

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